1.the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
I've had so many discussions with friends and coworkers lately that are in a state of transition I had to take some time to share my feelings about it. I was talking to a friend earlier today and I told her. like a few others, that I feel like right now my life is like the earth in Genesis 1:2 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." I told her I feel like I know a lot but nothing at the same time. I have all of these images and glimpses of what God has shown me, words He's spoken over me, and promises He's made... but my life looks nothing like any of that.
I told another friend it looks like a little kid's drawing. They proudly come show you their picture of what appears to be a three chicken nuggets on a plate with ketchup only to find out that it's a family portrait from last summer when you went to the amusement park. Who knew?? That is probably the most accurate depiction of my life right now. For the past year and some months I have been in transition. Sometimes in one are of my life, at other time, EVERYTHING has been in transition. I'm feeling a shift career wise in my spirit and it's a huge one. One I have to completely trust God for because I have absolutely no idea how it's going to happen. The thing I do know, and have to remind myself of quite often is found in Romans 8:30-31
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
God already knew about each season of transition I would ever face, what would happen, how and what I would need to go through it. The keyword here is THROUGH. We get discouraged because we're in the season currently and can't see an end or a way out but God always brings us through every test, trial, temptation, tribulation, or valley.
The passage itself speaks of transition... we're
predestined... then called... then justified... and then glorified... that's a
process and covers a lot of ground in relation to transition. Let's start at the beginning. Whom He did predestinate... this means God already had a destiny mapped out for each of us before he made us. He knew us before we were formed in our mother's wombs and already had some great things in mind. Then the verse says He called.. so after He planned out this destiny for us, He called us to it. Called us to purpose and the destiny He had in mind for us. Next the verse says He justified us.. which means marked for a good reason, or stamped us with His seal of approval. Finally, it says He glorified us.. meaning He bestows glory upon us and adorns us.
Each of these phases bring about change and transition. Take this story and apply it to the life of David, Joseph, or better yet.. look at it through the life of Jehu. Jehu was anointed to fight. Before he was ever born God knew he would need someone bold enough and brave enough to handle Ahab and Jezebel and bring an end to Baal worship. He predestined Jehu to be that person. It wasn't until later that he was anointed King by one of Elisha's students... his call. Then He went to work getting rid of the prophets of Baal and bringing down the entire house of Ahab. He was anointed for this very purpose.. Justified.. and we can't leave out glorified... when the time came to handle business, he didn't just stop at Jezebel... he was responsible for clearing house... then He reigned as king and God blessed him with four generations to rule which ended up lasting over 100 years.
Be encouraged during these stages of transition. God creates beautiful things from chaos. You're already equipped with all you need to be victorious... sometimes we just have to wait for God to move on it..