It's 2017 but it still feels like 2016. Who else is feeling this way? We're sitting at a very interesting place right now and I'm sure that many of you are feeling as uncomfortable as I am. I know what God has declared for 2017 concerning my life, but I still feel 2016 on my back. No worries though, it's almost spring and the seasons are changing. I saw this picture and was instantly drawn to it because it was the visual representation of how I feel.
Sometimes when God shows you things in the future they look just like this picture. You can see what it is, you can tell it's a city, you can see the lights, the coastline, how many skyscrapers are on the coastline and so forth. What you can't see is the fine details. You can't make out the smaller buildings along the coastline, you can't tell if there are boats or not, what city it is, how many windows are on the buildings or anything.
It can be frustrating when you're trying to see and get clarity of what God is showing you. God won't allow you to stay in a state of confusion but He may not show you all of the details at once. Most of the time, He won't allow you to see the details because the details would discourage us from walking out the journey. Like the picture above, what if is was in focus and the water was full of gators, she shore was lined with armed guards, and there was a wall around the city?
Sometimes God keeps the minor details to himself so that we'll have to trust Him in those moments when the situations arise and not try to work it out in our own strength or power. If we know it's coming we'll try to figure it out or make a way out when God is requiring us to trust Him for the way of escape, for victory, or for an open door. I'm not saying He'll leave us unaware, but He won't always reveal every detail of the journey because in that moment we simply can't handle it.
A lot of times when God shows me things in the spirit concerning myself, I see them just like this picture. Slightly out of focus or missing some details. A lot of times I find myself squinting and trying to bring things into focus, but God readjusts the lenses. No matter how hard I try, it doesn't come into focus until HE'S ready to let me see. Even when He shows me things in perfect focus there will be missing details, missing faces, time periods, places, something... He's requiring our trust!
The Bible tells us to write the vision and make it plain, to write it on tables so that whoever reads it may run. (Habakkuk2:2-3) I talked about this in my last post but I didn't focus on the last part.. that running. When you have a picture of where you're going it gives you a little boost of energy, gives you hope to keep going and the strength to run gets hard sometimes to keep hoping when things don't seem to be lining up. Every hidden thing in the picture has already been accounted for and God won't let you be ambushed by something you didn't see. Just trust that God is bringing everything into focus...