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Showing posts from November, 2016

It's gotta spring up

Every day I get up with hopes of making a difference or doing something great.  Some days I feel like I've helped someone, changed a life, walked in purpose or at least let the love of Christ shine through me without dark spots. Days like today, I felt like an absolute failure in all of those areas... My day at work was bananas.  It really all started last night when I got called out to do an intake after hours.  I met the family and after a lot of hesitation, reluctance, and some tears... got them to a safe place.  There was soo much drama over something simple.  SO this morning, this mom starts calling my phone at 6 am, I didn't hear it but she called my Family Advocate, who was unaware that we even had a new case.  LOL  Good morning to her!! I get to work and meet with my boss to give her my observations and then meet with the DCF supervisors and my program to staff the case. As soon as that's done my advocate and I run out the door to meet th...

Birthday Reflections

Every year I try to do a post on or very close to my birthday and this year's birthday is quite a bit different than any other I've had so far.  This is the first birthday I've spent away from my family & friends.  Although I'm blessed with sweet friends and co-workers here that have made my day special, I've kept it pretty low key today.  I spent the day working, helping families and walking in purpose. The past year has been filled with transitions and changes and learning experiences. For the first time ever I've had to walk through things without my support network being close by and it's been so eye opening. I feel like I'm stepping into adulthood for the first time for real.  You never know what you're really capable of until that safety net is gone.  I've experienced some of the most trying times of my life over the past two years and when God relocated me it was a chance to start fresh and step out into purpose and obedience. I...

Demolition Man

Each week when I blog I try to choose an image that is fitting and somewhat goes along with the post.  I chose this historical marker for several reasons.  It's a perfect visual for what God was speaking to me.   Let's start with the title, Hidden Truths.  As I've been on this journey of allowing God to heal the broken pieces of my heart He's been revealing Hidden Truths.  Things that have been true from the beginning but hidden away in the recesses of my mind and heart.  Some things were hidden to the point that I didn't even realize they were true.  The main one is the entire reason for this blog, but I'll get to that in a minute. The truth is, I'd been pouring out of a broken vessel.  The truth is, at times I was running on fumes of the Holy Ghost.  The truth is, sometimes I've been so disappointed I wanted to walk away and not do anything ministry related.  The truth is sometimes the people I'm required to minister to do m...

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