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For an appointed time...

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I find myself in a position that I'm sure somebody else is in right now too... I'm in transition.  I know that may not seem like a big deal at the surface but when you really think about what that means it becomes a bit more tricky.

I guess I should explain myself.  When I say I'm in transition, I literally mean moving from one place to the next in every area of my life.  Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing.  I'm moving forward to bigger and better.  The frustration comes from not being able to release certain things the way I need to in this place.  For the past few years God has been giving me tons and tons of stuff, but with the tag "for later".  It's like getting a gift on new years day that says don't open til Christmas. 

I have so many thing in me that I want and need to release, but I have to do it in God's timing for them to be effective.  I want His perfect will, not just permissive.  Sometimes the ideas come faster than I can keep up with and it still amazes me that He would entrust me with these things.  

The first area of transition is physical- God is sending me about 15 hours in the opposite direction from everything familiar. I don't have all of the details yet, nor do I know exactly when I'm going.  SO it's kind of hard to prepare for a move when you don't know the move date or where you're moving to exactly. 

The second area is ministry- with that physical move also comes a shift in what ministry will look like for me.  I believe where I am now has been great training ground for the things to come.  The population is much different where I'm going as are the spiritual battles I'll be facing. Even with all of the uncertainties, I'm super excited about what's ahead!

Sometimes I feel like my "real life" will begin once I'm in the new place God is sending me. Until then I'm like a genie in a bottle, just waiting to be released.  Not that I can grant magical wishes, but I know the things I'll be released to do will impact others and hopefully change lives and communities.  Just like that Genie, I'm here to do my Master's will and I can't move until He instructs me to.

The hardest part is waiting with anticipation!  I've seen glimpses in the spirit, touched the soil and sand, seen the places where I might be, and sat under the mid day sun communing with God... only to come back home to wait in the bottle.

I can't help but think of David in this situation.  When he was anointed king he had been out tending the sheep.  They called him in the house, the oil ran down, and he went right back tot he field to continue tending the sheep.  Even though David had been anointed King, it wasn't yet his time.  He had some preparations that were still in the makings, the kingdom had to go through some shifts, David had to get his weight up and battle a few things before he got to the throne.

Even though I know some of what is ahead for me, I too must wait for my appointed time.  If this is your season or waiting, don't be discouraged.  Prepare and plan while you wait.  Stay busy for the kingdom.  Knock out some of the smaller battles before you.  Write that lesson plan, broadcast on periscope, start a blog, teach a small group, take a speaking engagement, simply do whatever it is that will help you prepare for your future.  Be encouraged and productive while you're in the bottle because when the Master releases you, you'll be busy working!!


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