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Showing posts from September, 2015

For an appointed time...

image : I find myself in a position that I'm sure somebody else is in right now too... I'm in transition.  I know that may not seem like a big deal at the surface but when you really think about what that means it becomes a bit more tricky. I guess I should explain myself.  When I say I'm in transition, I literally mean moving from one place to the next in every area of my life.  Don't get me wrong, this is a good thing.  I'm moving forward to bigger and better.  The frustration comes from not being able to release certain things the way I need to in this place.  For the past few years God has been giving me tons and tons of stuff, but with the tag "for later".  It's like getting a gift on new years day that says don't open til Christmas.  I have so many thing in me that I want and need to release, but I have to do it in God's timing for them to be effective.  I want His perfect will, not...

Letting go...

It's been so long since I've taken the time to sit down and write, I should really be ashamed of myself.  That's what happens when you let go of the things you love. This blog isn't about the love between two people, but about the things you love and how easily they can get lost in the wind.  A lot of times things slip right through our fingers without us even realizing it.   When I started this blog it was a way for me to share my excitement about what God was doing, the experiences I was having, my trials and victories. all the things that might help encourage somebody else.  But this year I seemed to have lost that zeal and passion for writing.  SO many things have happened, and so quickly, that it just kind of knocked the wind out of my sails.  I shut down and I allowed the enemy to take away my voice for a while.  I felt like Ariel when the Ursula had her voice in a shell.  There was a lot that I wanted to say but I just couldn't ...

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