It's mighty dusty around these parts and I have some cleaning to do! let me brush off the cobwebs by saying... I'm Back!! I sometimes take a break from writing because I try to be careful with what I release and share with others. My blog is From the Abundance for a reason. I set out to share what was in my heart, and truth be told, my heart isn't always right.
Sometimes I get attacked, I get angry, discouraged, bitter, depressed, sad, grieved, and sometimes down right disgusted.... BUT I DON'T STAY THERE! None of those are things I want to share with the people of God. Out of the abundance of the heart, meaning whatever there's the most of in your heart, the mouth speaks... UH OH, some of us are in big trouble right now! I'm real enough to say all of the things I just said without fear or worry of being looked at strangely, whispered about, or just flat out talked about. I've come to a place in God where I have to be real with Him at all times about where I am.
To that end, I had to take a really good look at what I was doing, where I'm headed and what path I'm on. Well, needless to say I had to stop dead in my tracks because I had taken a detour. While I was at church Sunday the speaker said something I'd never thought about before. She was talking about how we all want to know Christ and claim to know Him in His resurrection power, but what we usually walk in is not the true resurrection power of Christ. We like to quote the scripture old things are passed away and behold all things are become new... until something isn't the way we want it.. then resurrect the old you... until somebody gets under your skin and you resurrect and put on the old you.... until where God is taking you gets uncomfortable and you reach back and snatch the old you.... NO, that's not the resurrection He was talking about.
Honey let me tell you, I had both hands on the old me and was giving her CPR! The old me was complacent, had a reckless and untamed mouth, had shards of ice in her heart, and a serious flesh problem. The old me was not worried about assignment, destiny, purpose, or vision, and had no idea where she was headed. The old me loved attention and being pursued, had no true sense of order, and put on a great facade of pretending she had it all together.
I looked up and realized I was in the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37:1–14)... only I wasn't Ezekiel. Hello somebody! Life and circumstances can sometimes cause you to experience a dry season. You get slack in your prayer life, get busy living, you get depressed, are led away by your own lusts, or even go through a period of sickness or grief that just sucks the life out of you. The great thing about God is this, even in the dryness of the bones (which takes years) God doesn't let the bones remain in that state. He sent a word to those bones that not only revived them, but restored them. He lined the back up, put them in their proper place, put sinews and meat back on them, and covered them with skin. That will preach right there!!! My God! All this was before He even put life back into them. After God reestablished order, equipped them with everything they needed to function, and covered them... THEN He sent the wind to put the breath of life back into them. Guess what though... He didn't quit right there.. He made them a promise. He said,
Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord. (v12-14)
He said not only am I going to bring you out of this dry dead place, but i'm going to put my spirit in you... (that's the infilling of the Holy Ghost y'all!) you will live, AND I'll place you in your own land (a places that had previously been promised but they were dead). So if you find yourself in the valley and realize you too are not Ezekiel, remember these things that God has promised. Go back and think about the promises God made you before you "died", think about what that life and more abundantly looks like.. God already spoke life to the bones, go back, read and declare what thus sayeth the Lord to your bones, to everything and everyone in the valley with you that's dead!
There's an army rising up....