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First things first....

First let me start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I know we're almost finished with the first month, but it's not too late to declare a happy new year!  Since this is my first post of the new year I want to take this time to declare a blessing over each of you and then share some things with you.  SO... let's get it cracking..

If you're reading this it's not by accident.  God has a great way of working ALL Things together for our good.  I declare and decree that the shed blood of Jesus covers you; your life, your purpose and destiny.  The enemy's time to have free reign in your life is up.  The plan and purpose of God supersedes every whispered lie of the enemy, every trap and trick is cast down, and every device exposed.  I decree that this year will be your greatest year of RELATIONSHIP with God.  Every area you yield to God will be revolutionized and forever changed.  I declare and decree that God given wisdom and insight concerning your life and the things of God will be your compass this year. More than anything, may the word take root in your heart and spring forth like never before In the name of Jesus! Amen.

Now that that's settled, let's move on..  This year I'm taking God completely at His word.  he told me that if I ask anything in faith and believing, that I can have it (Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24).  So this year I intend to do just that.  I'm collecting on my stuff , and I don't mean physical stuff.  It's as simple as this, down through the years I've had several talks with Jesus and He promised me some things.  I don't know about you, but when someone makes me a promise I expect them to make good on it.  He hasn't let me down yet!  So this year, my main focus is to put my faith and my works together and to set some things in motion. 

To that end, I'm finally making progress on my book, I'm moving forward in ministry, and I'm enjoying every minute of life.  God has blessed me tremendously and I'm coming out of my winter season (we'll talk about that next post.. good stuff).  I don't know what 2013 was like for you, but it was a turbulent year for me and  the folks I hold dear.  We experienced so many changes, were wounded, broken, stretched, tried in the fire, and some of us even fell by the wayside, BUT GOD!!  God was faithful and brought us out of that and into this blessed new year.. I'm looking forward to my DOUBLE PORTION!

For those of you who haven't quite gotten your 2014 mojo working yet don't worry... things will get better!   There's life under that layer of dead bark, something's growing under that layer of snow!!! If you're still in winter, spring is coming soon!


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