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Open Letter to My Future Self

Dear Pastor Chaconna,

In lieu of coming to you directly I wanted to take this opportunity to offer you a few friendly reminders for your call and appointment.  First let me start by saying, I know it's not the easiest thing in the world to walk in the calling that God has placed on your life.  I know you had plans and things you wanted to do with your life and probably even some dreams and goals you'd set for yourself as a young girl.  Nevertheless you chose to answer God's call.  I can't say that everything will be peaches and cream, heck you may not even see any of those hopes and dreams you had for yourself come to pass, but know this... the plan (Jeremiah 29:11) He lined up for you is greater than anything you could have imagined.

You'll have to compromise much of what you thought was normal and completely switch your way of thinking... church to kingdom... I know it's crazy but you'll never get it right until you can do this.  Trying to figure out how He works will only fry your brain.  Just learn the basic kingdom principles and go from there... let Him do the hard work.  I hope you're not one of those people who gets in a zone and gets comfortable. If so, I hate it for you... Plan on being kicked, pushed, shoved, hauled, and pulled out of every comfort zone you even think about getting into.  You will go, even when you don't want to.  You will go, even when it's uncomfortable, painful, confusing, and uncertain...Keep it moving sister!

 Oh and let's not talk about the people... the actual work of ministry will be the easy part, but the people... now that's what makes it a challenge.  If you have issues with your attitude, your mouth, your facial expressions and mess.. get that in check NOW.  You'll need more patience than you think is humanly possible, more grace than you thought you had, and tons of compassion.  Just remember, it's not about you.  Get it out of your system now and you just might be ok.   There is no consideration for your feelings, your opinions about the matter, how you want to do it, when you think it should happen, or who should be involved (Ecc. 3:1-9). This is God's show, not yours.

Pastor, you'll get tons and tons of opportunities to make your name great, but always remember that your job is to be the Hype man for Jesus, to be the PR person for the kingdom, and to glorify His name at ALL times, to win and shepherd souls...not just when it's convenient or easy.  I'm not saying your name won't be known too, but His should always be front and center (Prov. 18:16).  If your head gets too big have someone appointed just to burst your bubble and bring you back to the real world.  Surround yourself with people who are chasing God and not fame, fortune, and notoriety.  Be accountable to people who understand, recognize and believe in the importance of the assignment on your life more than people who want to please you and make you happy.  Real friends tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it and it hurts (Prov. 27:5-6).

Don't let the people put you up on a pedestal and act like you're God.  You're just His vessel, not Him.  Stay humble and ALWAYS remember where you came from and how easy it is to get back there.  You're human.  You're going to make mistakes, you may fall, you'll fail at some things and be unsuccessful at a few endeavors, but keep pressing.  Don't get caught up in titles, positions, and the hype... You may be a Pastor, a Prophet, an Evangelist, an Apostle, and a Teacher but beyond all of that you're still Chaconna.  The little four eyed girl that loved to read, create things, and be silly.  The same woman that loved to cook and hang out watching movies.  Even though God chose you, called, you, and anointed you.. you're still flesh and blood with issues, flaws, desires, rough edges, and that proverbial THORN!  Don't let folks assume that just because you hold a position or title that your issues magically disappear.  You have to seek out your own soul's salvation just like everybody else... you're just on duty while doing it.  Your greatest position will always be bondservant of Christ.

STAY YOUR COURSE!  Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.  ESPECIALLY when ears get itchy and the people don't want sound doctrine.  Keep truth in your heart and on your lips... Don't sell out the Gospel for anything or anybody.  WATCH thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.  It's good to pray, but you better watch while you pray, pray while you watch, and watch some more...  Keep your eyes and ears open... both sets!  Don't manipulate the people to push your agenda.  You're supposed to win souls, not pimp and prostitute them, their gifts, or the anointing.  Make God's agenda your first priority.

More than anything, be HONEST.  Be honest about where you are, how you feel, what you want, and WHO YOU ARE.   The people will respect you more for it.  This generation has been lied to so much and so often that their tolerance for foolishness is little to none.  How can you expect to win anyone if you're living a lie?  Who or what are you winning them to?  Lies make for a shaky foundation and always come back to bite you in the butt when the truth comes out.  A sword is upon liars AND they have their own place reserved in the lake.  That's one reservation you don't want to make!

Last but certainly not least, remain in constant communication with God.  Consult Him on everything!  DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, take counsel form the ungodly.  Don't let anyone sway you from His instructions.  Just because it sounds good, doesn't mean it's good FOR YOU! STAY IN YOUR LANE & KEEP JESUS ON A DIRECT LINE.

Woman of God I know some of this may seem a bit harsh.. you might even say who am I to tell you anything?  Truth is, I'm a representation of the people you'll be called to, the people you'll minister to and serve.  I'm the broken person that will come for healing, I'm the bound person that can't praise God freely, I'm the person experiencing church hurt, the one that comes from a broken family, the one that has never quite fit in, the person who feels neglected, the disappointed one, the discouraged one, the confused one, and the person searching for more of God.  Can you help me?  Will you help me?  Or will you be too busy chasing titles, mega-churches, mansions, and spots on TBN?

A precious soul


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