Since everyone has decided to jump on this bandwagon of 30 Days of Thanks for November I decided to do something a little different. So I'm going to give you my list but with a twist... it's things I haven't always been thankful for (in no particular order of importance, just as they come to me). So here goes..
1. I haven't always been thankful for my intelligence. I know that may seem arrogant or strange but let me tell you why... when I was in Kindergarten we were placed in reading groups. The groups were identified by the color of yarn necklace we wore. Mine was ALWAYS green and I never knew why. I HATED that green yarn necklace. I wanted to have different colors like everybody else and to change colors like my friends. One day I cried and cried because my necklace was always green and FINALLY my teacher explained to me that it was a good thing to have a green necklace because it meant that I was a good reader.
2. My crazy and sometimes embarrassing family. I tell ya there have been times when I really wanted to be adopted because one of them had done something or said something super crazy (especially if you know Thundercat aka my granny). Needless to say, they are truly a blessing from God. They've always been my cheering squad, nurses guild, comedic relief, source of comedy and great happiness. We may argue and disagree but we stick together like peanut butter and the roof of your mouth!
3. My fat rolls.. I know.. you're like what.. who is thankful for fat?? Not to say that I wake up and thank God for my fat, but I don't hate it. I'm very comfortable in the skin I'm in. I'm confident, poised (most of the time), and I can hold my own with the best of them. Me & my fat have been friends for a long time and I can honestly say it sometimes has been the litmus test for people to show me who they really are. Especially with dating...
4. Old school music. When I was little I hated slow songs! They made me cry and I thought they were the saddest things ever, but as I grew and lived a little more I began to understand the soulful, sometimes painful words coming through the speakers. I lived some of the realities the crooners sang about and I was glad somebody could relate
5. Lexington, KY. Lord knows I have tried to leave this place a million times and I did escape once lol I have always wanted to live somewhere else, be somewhere else, just go... PERIOD. When I did live somewhere else I learned to appreciate Lexington and what it represents to me... HOME. It's my familiar place, I know where to go to get comfort food, I know my friend's mom is still in the same house she's lived in since we were in 4th grade... it's my safe haven and a place of great spiritual growth
6. Debt. Crazy right?? I know, but having debt taught me how to be a good steward over what I have. It taught me how to consider wants vs. needs, how to prioritize the needs and save up or go without the wants. It also taught me how to be creative when money is real tight... Praise Him for preparing me to manage and handle more in advance!
7.Waking up early. I wouldn't consider myself a morning person, but when I get up and moving early my days tend to be so much more productive. I may be exhausted by the end of the day but I always have a lot accomplished.
8. Schedules/Planning my day. Something that I learned in ministry training and at church is to plan out your day. You don't really realize how much time you waste doing nothing until you start to plan out your day... I get so much accomplished when I do have a plan, but ask me how often I plan out the day lol
9. The random guys who try to get at me. Please don't take this the wrong way... I'm not trying to get with them, but sometimes it's nice to know that someone finds you attractive, someone noticed that you have a nice smile, or pretty eyes. Especially when you're single... but it's all in how you respond.
10. My saved friends.. There was a time when I didn't have ANY. My old friends didn't have much to do with me because I'd changed my life and I guess they thought I would preach to them or try yo make them change. Now I'm glad yo say that many of those "old" friends are now saved friends.
11. My prophetic gifts. My gifts came really early in life but I had no idea what was happening. I grew up in the Catholic church and they were not teaching on the prophetic. So here I am four years old dreaming about the sun blacking out, the moon turning to blood and the people being lost and scattered...SCARED ME TO DEATH! I always knew things before they happened or before anybody told me but who do you tell thst to when youre in first or second grade?? NOT NOBODY!
12. An overprotective mom. Even though my mom always let me try new things and experience life to the fullest she kept a tight wrap on me. She always wanted to protect me and keep me from making mistakes she made and sometimes it meant listening to her preach me under the bed. BUT I am thankful that she loves me and cares enough to always have mtt best interest at hear. Even though she swears I don't listen to what she says I can replay almost ever conversation (speech) we've ever had word for word.... REWIND!!!
13.Long church services. I remember a time where I hated being in church aaallllll day. Then something amazing happened and I had crazy awesome encounters with God that left me wanting more and more of His presence. I forgot to look at the clock because I was so absorbed in the word... I had no idea what time it was because I was slain in the spirit and laid out in His presence...I didn't care how long I was there as long as I got what I needed from God.
14. Being the one everybody calls for everything. Now if this is your role you already know what I mean. I used to get irritated and annoyed because everybody was always always calling to ask me how to do something, to put something together, how you make something, how you cook something, what to do, when to do it and how, where to go for this, who to call for that.. just something... Then one day I realized it was a blessing to have that many people WANT TO call me and ask me for/about that many different things. It's great to know people trust me and think enough of me to value my opinion and input. Even beyond that I have to remind myself sometimes that to whom much is given, much is required. So I'm grateful...
15. College. Honeeeyyyy when I tell you I was so sick of writing papers and doing research... whew! I loved writing even at an early age but Grad School tried our relationship.. I was about to break up with writing. LOL I said that to say I'm grateful for the opportunity to attend not only College, but Graduate School as well. I'm one of the first in my family to obtain a Masters Level Degree.
16. The call and assignment on my life. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH WWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHEEEEEEE were there days when I just wished I could put it all in a box and hand it back to God and say here... I don't wanna... I was wrong... you can have all this back lol The I realized it's not about me.. NOT EVEN IN THE LEAST LIL BIT
17. My boo, well let me clarify.. I've always been thankful for him, but I denied that he was the one for a long long time. Our relationship has been very unique and scary at times; not because he's a scary person, but the depth , how well we know one another, and the crazy connection we share. It's scary to be vulnerable and let your defenses down, but it's a blessing. Love him!!
19. 5 am prayer. I NEVER made it to 5 am prayer when we had them at church. I just couldn't make myself get up early enough to go. I tried staying up all night to go before I went to sleep, tried setting alarms, and a hundred other things but I just couldn't do it. Then one day I went to bed at like 9:30 and set my alarm for 4. I MADE IT!! Let me tell you if you don't already know... there is something so special and amazing about meeting God early in the morning!! It was life changing... after that prayer EVERYTHING in my life honestly changed.
20. Being one of the folks without kids. It seems like AAAALLL of my friends are married with children or have children. It used to bother me a lot when people would ask, when are you gonna have kids?? don't you want kids?? Then I realized that I'm exactly where I need to be and not having children made it a lot easier to focus on school and spoiling everybody else's babies. So when I do have babies, I have plenty of babysitting favors saved up! LOL
21. Homework. Who doesn't hate homework?? I used to hate homework but when I started minister's training classes we ALWAYS had homework. This is when I really fell in love with the Bible. it was almost like the pastor would give us homework to lead us on a treasure hunt. I would look up one thing which would spark a question
22. Critique days at Design School. For some reason the professor always made me go first. Every time we had a project due and I had to pin it up on the wall and talk about it I KNEW I was going to be first. I appreciate it now because it helps me look at my work with a critical but objective eye. You can't play "I'm the greatest" when you have to be the first to critique your own work. It's humbling and eye opening. It also prepared me for speaking in front of/to big crowds of people without worrying about their faces.. MINISTRY!
23. Traffic. I still don't like sitting in traffic but I do love a long drive and the serenity that comes along with it. Nothing like riding down the highway when it's you, Jesus, and the music!. ROAD TRIP!
24. Learning a Foreign Language. I am so rusty when it comes to Spanish, my teachers would be ashamed to claim me as a student. The beauty in learning it didn't show up until this year when I went to the immigration office. It's great to be able to communicate with people in their native tongue.
25. Difficult clients. Although they're tough to work with they usually end up being my favorite ones because their lives transform the most. They're always the ones I learn the most from
26. Failed relationships. It hurt in the end but I learned a lot and figured out what I need and want in a relationship and a spouse. Along with what not to do.
27. Medicine. I used to hate it and sometimes still do, but I'm grateful for access to it and the ability to take it when needed. God gave us everything we need in nature and I get my medicine from the source when possible.
28. Rain. Rain used to make me depressed but I've learned to appreciate it. It's necessary for growth and cleansing.
29. Boredom. Now my bored moments become some of the best creative sessions and download times for God to speak.
30. Training. Training is always in preparation for something to come or something you've never done before. It means access and new levels. Usually not fun but well worth the time and investment.