So today is the first day of Summer and I don't know about anybody else, but I feel great! I'm a few days closer to moving and a few steps closer to releasing some of this purpose. I don't know what it is about summer that just makes me happy.. It's hot and humid and my hair is usually a frizzball but I love it nonetheless. There's nothing like sunshine and warmth on your skin, a good BBQ or picnic, a popsicle, and swimming pool! The only thing that can make it better is a gallon or two of Chic-fil-A lemonade that's ice cold... Now that's the business!!
Today as the seasons officially change I just wanted to take time to remind somebody that even though the season has changed, God has not changed His mind about you. His promises haven't changed, the plans He has for your life haven't changed, His love hasn't changed, and neither have His grace, mercy, or willingness to forgive.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
The same God who made you is the same God who called you. The same God who called you is the same one who sustains you. The same God who sustains you is the same one who chastises you because of His love. The very same one who chastises you is the God that got off His throne, came out of eternity into this raggedy flesh, so He could literally feel us, was beaten, mocked, whipped, and crucified for us...The same God who was crucified and endured so much is the same one who went to Hell preached a revival, set the captive free, AND came out with ALL power in His hand. The all powerful God who freed the captives is the same God who thought so much of us, that left us a Comforter when He returned to glory.. That same Comforter is the very God who breathes life into us each morning we're allowed to open our eyes & fills our lungs with air and steadies our heartbeats while we sleep... The God who never sleeps nor slumbers, just so that we can... is the same God who bottles your tears and knows the number of hairs on your head. The same great God that spoke those hairs into being alll those years ago is STILL THE SAME GOD Today... He's still speaking to us, still molding us, still making us over
So if you're not perfect, if you've messed up, fallen away, you're confused, or just fallen short... DON'T GIVE UP!! God is still using the ordinary to do the extraordinary.. He's still using the foolish things to confound the wise (1 Cor. 1:27), His thoughts still aren't like ours (Thank you Lord!!), His ways still aren't like ours (Thanks a million times 20!!), and He is still touched by the feeling of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15).
No matter how many changes we go through, God isn't changing! He's still standing at the door knocking waiting for you to let Him in if you haven't already! Even if you have... there may be some areas or things He's waiting for you to surrender to Him, a fear He's waiting for you to let go of, a burden you need to lay down, or a mantle you need to pick up ( preach to yourself Cha... I'm doing the best I can)....
Let the beginning of summer be a new beginning for you. It's not to late to begin again or begin for the first time! When God calls, make a faith leap!