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Who knew...


Several years ago when I started blogging I had no Idea I would still be blogging 10+ years later.  Although the address and the platform have changed, my love for writing has only grown.  I am so blessed and amazed every time I sit down to write.  I'll be honest and admit that I got a little discouraged when I was writing and writing and noticed that nobody was responding or commenting but then the strangest thing started happening.... I would run into one of my mom's friends or a person I met on Facebook telling me something about what they had read on my blog.  I said wow, people are reading!  So I said ok, maybe the comments don't matter so much as long as someone is reading and the seeds are being planted.

A few months later I was fooling around in the control panel of the blog and saw the stats section.  So being the curious person I am... I start clicking buttons and playing around only to find that Google was tracking visitors and so many other things for me!  How great is that?!?!  So I was able to see the places my readers lived, how they were getting to my page, and who was reading what.  I started keeping a list of the places the readers of this blog live.  Each week that I've checked the readership has only grown!!  As of today I have readers in 23 countries.  I'm not saying this to toot my own horn or to glorify myself but just to let somebody know that God keeps His promises.

About four years ago I had a dream and in the dream I was removed from the position I was working in and God said it's time to go prepare... you're going to the nations.  I said ok, I receive it in the name of Jesus.  There I was, working full time, hadn't even stepped into my ministry call, and hadn't acknowledged the fullness of what it is.  I simply didn't know... God was just beginning to reveal the pieces to me. A few weeks after the dream, I was indeed removed from the position I was in and a few months afterward I found myself in ministry training classes... preparing to go forth!

So fast forward a few years to now... I have never stepped foot off of U.S. soil but God has allowed me to reach people in 23 different countries.  I don't have a passport, have never even been to the U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico, but God keeps giving me things to say and revelation. He keeps leading people to my blog and keeps allowing me to have learning experiences to share.  I remember the day that it first hit me that God's word had manifested.  I was looking at the countries and writing down the list and had a wow moment.  I was so humbled... I CRIED... simply because God had kept His word and because of the magnitude of what had just happened.  I had to share it with some friends and when I did.. they rejoiced with me and I teared up all over again.

I said ok God, I'm here but gone to the nations all at the same time.  It was an amazing moment!  It made me think about Sarah and Hannah... I thought about how they must have felt when God told them they would have a baby.  In the midst of what seemed impossible, God spoke a words and they had to wait on manifestation.  Sarah was old and past the age any woman nowadays would even think about having a baby, but God promised her that child and she had it!!  Hannah was so disturbed in her soul that she cried out to God to the point that people thought she was drunk in the temple.  And here God had blessed me with something I didn't even ask for!  I still believe that I will go physically, but even if I don't God did what He said He would do!!  No matter what happens, how long it takes, or what you have to go through to get it... if God spoke it THEN IT MUST COME TO PASS.

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

In other words, if God said it, you can bank on it! The kicker is making sure God said it and not you, another person or the enemy.  A good Pastor  friend of mine always says "That Devil lied..." and you better believe that's the truth.  He's the father of all lies, so don't confuse his voice with God's.  God sheep know His voice and hearken not to another... whether it's another man, woman, sheep, goat, moose, dog, cow, alien, imaginary friend, singer, rapper, psychologist, doctor, parent... you get it! Learn to recognize God's voice like you would a friend you talk to on a regular basis or like you would a significant other.  The one thing I can guarantee is this..

If you don't have a relationship with Him, you won't recognize His voice...


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