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The Help

I recently finished reading the book The Help, and seeing the movie of course.  They're both GREAT!  I took a lot away from the book and the movie but the thing that has stuck with me the most is when Abileen said nobody had ever asked what it felt like to be her.  As I left the movie I couldn't help but think about that simple phrase and I too realized... Nobody's ever asked what it feels like to be me. 

People see me everyday and think they know me or assume they do because we've walked through years of life together, but of all of the people I've ever met, known my whole life, or just spoken to in passing.... not one person has ever asked what it feels like to be me. 

I've been asked a lot of questions but never how does it feel to be Chaconna Downs?  Well sometimes it feels great to be me... some days I feel like I'm on top of the world, at my best, doing great things, excited, giving my best and experiencing life in that moment... when at other times I feel so small and insignificant, unnoticed, unconcerned, disconnected, behind, like I'm missing out on everything, like I've missed all of my opportunities..

Some days I feel regular and other days I feel like a superstar... most days a small part of me feels invincible, even if only for a few moments...At times I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and the burdens of a thousand generations in my heart... and those times I lay out in the floor and call my Daddy... sometimes I'm goofy; laughing and joking and other times I'm serious or just need a hug.  On the day K'Anthone died, it felt like I was inside the gravitron and it had been put on a roller coaster going backwards, but when God came to see about me, I felt like a newborn baby, safe and secure wrapped in its Father's arms.  ON Saturday mornings I feel like a kid, watching cartoons and eating cereal.. then I feel like my grandma... listening to music and cleaning my house.  When one of my babies says.. "Cha Cha can I spend the day with you?" or "Chaconna, I love you the most!" it feels like love is a warm blanket that's wrapped itself all around me... When someone tells me I've made a difference in their life it feels like mine has been worth living...

Honestly, it's really indescribable! It feels like a million different things to be me...

I said all of that to say this... we walk past people all day every day, but how often do we take the time to really get to know the people we walk with?   It doesn't take long to sit down and ask someone how they're feeling and actually take the time and care to find out.  Everyone has walked through some things and you never know whose testimony will be a blessing to you.  Revelation 12:11 tells us that the accuser was overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. 

Share your testimony with somebody, you never know.... they might just know what it feels like to be you....


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