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Use what ya got...

I came across this video today when I was watching videos on YouTube today and thought it was awesome.  Not just because I'm a Mali fan, but because of the time and care he put forth to ministering in excellence and giving it how God gave it to him.  I loved that he took the time to personalize it and make sure that everyone else involved got the vision, was on one accord and giving it to the people how God let him hear it. 

But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort?  for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee. 1 Chronicles 29:14

God has given each of us something special,and what we choose to do with it is up to us.  We can be like one of the servants who were given the talents (Matthew 25:14-29), use them wisely and gain more or bury them in the ground and let them go to waste.  How can we continue to expect God to breathe on us if we're not taking the things of God seriously??  God didn't bless us with gifts, talents, anointing, power, etc. for us to let it lie dormant and waste away.  Millions of people have gone to their graves with gifts locked up in them, with purpose still undiscovered and their very best still unbirthed.  I'm challenging you, and myself, to be a better steward over what God has given us.  He's already equipped us with everything we need pertaining to life so it's our job to handle it accordingly. 

The foolish servant who buried his talent in the ground was called a wicked and slothful servant by his lord.  I don't know about you, but I dare not have this be Jesus' witness against me.  I can't say that I've figured out how to use everything God has given me but I definitely ask Him what I'm supposed to do with it, how he wants me to use it, who it's for, and how to put it together.

Not only do we need to possess these gifts and talents, but be skillful in those areas.  When Saul was trying to kill David in the palace it was the very gift that God gave him that saved his life (1Samuel 18).  Not just the gift alone but a combination of the gift, the anointing and the skill that David had developed in using his gift.

We can't be lazy in developing our gifts and finding out the power that lies within becoming skillful. Whatever gift God give you, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR!  If it's singing, then your job is to study music, take care of your voice, get some voice lessons, practice, etc...  If it's preaching, then you better be in your word and studying everything you can get your hands on to rightly divide the word and present the truth to the people, take care of yourself and your voice, learn about writing sermons, exegesis,eisegesis, study history, ask God who you're called to so you're not preaching ineffectively... If it's cooking, develop some new recipes, try some new ingredients, go out and taste exotic foods, write a cookbook, take some cooking lessons... whatever your gift is, there are always to enhance it and to show God that you're grateful.  He didn'tt have to choose you, gift you, call you, or anoint you..He could have let you wake up dead this morning.  I'm just saying.. don't covet somebody's gift and grateful for what God gave YOU and present it back to him better than how He gave it to you! Be original, authentic, genuine, and more than anything, be yourself!


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