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Showing posts from December, 2016

Lighthouses in the Dark

  I have a habit of collecting spiral bound notebooks.  I don't collect them because I just love paper, but because I use them to write important information.  I always use one to write my church notes and I have another I keep near my bed specifically for recording dreams.  I have another one that I  use for ministry ideas and brainstorming and one that I write sermons in.  These little notebooks that line my self are my lighthouses... When I get in dark places, moments of doubt, insecurity, wavering faith, or even just flat out weariness.. I can go back to these notebooks and get reminders of what God has spoken to me through the years.  I can see things He's shown me in dreams and visions that haven't manifested yet. Just like real lighthouses, these little notebooks and the treasures in them shed light on subjects and seasons of my life.  When I need direction, I can go back and flip the pages to see what God has spoken about specific pray...


I saw this post on Instagram and had to steal the picture because it was the exact sentiments of where I am right now.  2016 has been a season of transition in every area of my life and I have truly embodied the sentiments of this picture. When I moved to Florida I walked away from everything familiar and had no idea what I would be walking into... I just obeyed God and came. I knew I was leaving behind my family and friends, my home, my favorite places and things, but I didn't know I would be leaving behind me.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm still me, but the me that I assumed I was got left behind.  That me was the one that was pieced together with everyone else's expectations, goals, aspirations, hopes, dreams, and ideals for and of me.  Not the ones I'd created for myself or the ones God had given me in dreams and visions.  I'd always assumed I wanted certain things and wanted them a certain way but I quickly learned that sometimes the very thing we ...

The Beautiful Ones

Sometimes you meet the greatest people in the most unexpected places...  This past week I had the pleasure of meeting two!  I was on the plane headed home for Thanksgiving and noticed the lady next to me sniffling and coughing.  My initial thought was, oh great she's sick and hacking all over the place. When I looked over at her I realized that she wasn't ill but she was wiping away tears my first thought was to talk to her.  I didn't want to pry and ask what was wrong but I just hoped to lighten the mood and maybe take her mind off of things for a minute.   I stuck up a conversation and just asked if she was going home or visiting friends.  I was so unprepared for what she would say next. She told me that her one and only son had passed away 6 weeks ago and she was flying back to Lexington to meet her brand new granddaughter for the first time.  She couldn't quite explain the cornucopia of emotions she was feeling all at once.  How can you fe...

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