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Showing posts from April, 2016

Where the Heart Is

Yesterday I spent a good part of the day in the library, working and writing.  I needed a quiet place that wasn't my house.  I finished up there and ran to the store to grab a couple of things I'd forgotten the previous day.  On the way out I had the opportunity to talk with a homeless man. He was sitting on the ground eating breakfast (by this time it was late afternoon) he'd gotten out of the dumpster at steak and shake.  He asked me if I had $.47 so he could get a drink. I gave him all the cash I had in my purse, it wasn't much but I was glad I had some cash to give. I stood and talked with him and offered him some of the snacks I had in my my hand  but he didn't want to take  anything away from me. I told him I didn't mind sharing and it would be my pleasure but he told me he was diabetic.  It touched me in such an incredible way that someone with nothing was worried about me not having enough.  I asked his name and if I could pray wit...

A Life Poured Out

Today the world lost a musical genius, an icon, an amazing entertainer, humanitarian, and extraordinary musician.  His gifts touched people spanning various generations, nationalities, racial groups, ethnicities, and age groups. There's a lot of folks who got capes slapped on their backs today and became SUPER SAVED at the thought of the "saints" mourning the loss of Prince.  I have a few things to say about that.. 1.  He was a person that touched, inspired, and reached more than most preachers ever will in a lifetime.  2.  It's sad when anybody dies because there's loss there..He was someone's family.. without the titles and accolades, he was still a son, a cousin, a husband, and worthy of being mourned; and 3.  Most importantly, He's a soul that will have an eternal resting place just like the Super Saints... no different than you or I in those areas. So leave people alone and let them mourn... Any great music lover, saved or unsaved felt that loss t...

Stirred, Not Shaken

Last week was a crazy week for me.  It was productive and full of things to do , but also very emotional.  I've been applying for jobs, creating content for my store, visiting churches, trying to carve out my spot here in Daytona and do what God has for me to do.  I know that sounds like the normal things you do when you move but for someone who's used to going and doing, this idle time is killer.  Before I came I went to visit my hometown and the pastor there prophesied to me several times about this journey that God is taking me on.  He told me that what I've asked is a hard thing and because of it, I'm being tried but that God would fulfill His promises and nothing would fall to the ground. This is one reason I always carry a spiral notebook in church.  Anytime I receive a word of prophecy, word of wisdom or knowledge I like to be able to go back and review it, pray about it (especially the details), remind myself of God's confirmation, and encourage my...

The Path to Promise

When I moved to Florida I moved here with the knowledge that I was called to this area and region.  When I gave God my yes I told Him I would go wherever He sent me, so here I am. A lot of people freak out at the thought of packing up and leaving everything behind.  The thing is, it's different when you leave everything behind to follow Jesus. I can't say that this journey has been difficult physically, but emotionally it hasn't been the easiest.  I miss my family and friends, I miss the things that I associate with home, and I miss that sense of knowing that comes with being in your comfort zone. That leads me to the first step in the journey to promise... getting out of your comfort zone.  Sometimes you step out on your own, other times God kicks you out and then there are the times you go kicking and screaming.  Fortunately, I stepped out without being dragged or prodded.  I've never had a problem with taking leaps of faith.  I leap first an...

The Devil is in the Details

There's something about being in a quiet place that allows the enemy to think it's his time to shine.  I don't know about you but whenever things are real quite it seems like her grabs a megaphone to yell his lies like a cheerleader.  It seems like everything he said gets louder and louder, like he's hosting his own pep rally to cheer on his starting lineup of lies, doubt, and deceit. This is one reason I always keep some music close by.  My mom and grandma always talk about me for keeping the radio on in my car but they don't understand the power of music to quickly reach and influence the soul.  If you stop and think about it, I bet there are 5 songs you can quickly recall all the lyrics to but for most, the same can't be said about passages of scripture (I know my word though!).  The right song can completely change my attitude, lift my spirits, encourage me, or give me that push I need to go on and drown out the voice of the enemy.  The devil ...

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