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Showing posts from October, 2011

The devil has $1

The devil has one dollar but God has all the dollars!!  An original song made up by two of my friend's children so simply tells us the truth about our God.  Sometimes the enemy likes to fool us with the illusion that he has so much to offer... twinkling lights, fame fortune, glamor, money, power.. or whatever appeals to you.  In reality, he has the equivalent of a measly dollar.  Why settle for a dollar when God, our daddy, owns the cattle on a thousand hills?  Don't get me wrong, money is nice, but it's not all about that anyway.  Matthew 6:34 tells us to take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought of the things for itself.  In other words, don't worry about tomorrow, it'll worry about itself. So what's so Important about these cattle and hills anyway?  Sometimes people get so caught up in chasing the stuff that they forget the true importance of why they're doing what they're doing in the first place. If I've dedicated my gif...

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