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In a few days I will hit my four month mark here in Daytona Beach.  It has truly been an adventure.  In these four months God has connected me with amazing people that feel like home, I've done things I never had the opportunity to do in KY, completed several projects that I'd been trying to finish forever, and opened up the door for me to use all of my gifts for ministry and to generate income.  Oh what a difference location can make!  Now I'm not telling you to jump up and move, but what I am saying is this. If you know that God is calling you to a different location, go! Don't hesitate, don't make excuses, just go as He leads.

The pastor has been preaching a series called unstuck and the lesson last night was 5 signs you're stuck.

  1. You feel like you're going through the motions
  2. You make excuses to avoid change
  3. You have no plan for what's next and worry about what's coming
  4. You feel scatterbrained
  5. You don't feel like yourself  (you feel like you're living somebody else's life)
When I tell you a lot of this was my life before I moved...I was stuck and I felt every bit of it.  I was so sick of going through the motions and not getting anywhere.  I had plans but not much support or the resources I needed to make them happen.  I was definitely scatterbrained (still am sometimes).  I have a thousand ideas every day, all day long and sometimes they come faster than I can keep up with them.  I couldn't focus on one because I was thinking about everything all at once.  I would lie in bed and try to go to sleep and be thinking about what I wanted to cook the next day, the dust on the ceiling fan, how to execute a ministry event, things I wanted to include in a book, a workshop, a plan for a summer camp, when the Lord was going to send me a husband, who's birthday was coming up and what  I could do next with the babies.

I just wanted to turn the switch off.. Since I've moved not only has my location changed, my whole lifestyle and structure has changed.  I still haven't found a social work job, which would probably freak most people out, but God is opening up crazy doors for me to generate income using my gifts and talents.  So I basically work full time for Him.  I've got some great opportunities to do new things in ministry, finished and published my first book, attended a writing workshop, opened an online store, and I can actually focus on things I want and need to do for myself.  God sent me here for a reason and the journey hasn't gone like I thought it would have but I cam into this without a real plan.  My trust and faith was in the obedience to what God spoke. The way I got unstuck was seeking His face and trusting in His word. Ya gotta have a relationship with God and spend time in His presence.

This is just the beginning and I'm beyond excited!  If you're stuck and God is calling you to leap, make that jump.  You never know what great things are waiting for you right around the corner!!


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