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Painted Pictures

One of the things I love to do when I travel is find funky unique places to visit.  The photo above was taken while I was on vacation in Miami.  There's a huge area called Wynwood Walls where the buildings, fences, and pretty much everything is covered with beautiful graffiti style art. My friend and I took tons and tons of pictures and I have several of this particular painting.  There's so many intricate details in this picture that drew me in and made me want to look closer. 

I was flipping back through pictures and thinking about what I wanted to write today and I ended up thinking about the course of my life.  I figured I would be married by now, have a couple of kids, a business or a great job, and be well into ministry.  Although it is nothing like I imagined it would be, I can truly say it's been amazing thus far.  Yes, there's been some hardship, some pain, some disappointment, and many many tears shed along the way but overall, it's been great.  I looked at this picture and remembered a vision that God showed me when I was about 22.

I was kneeling beside my bed praying about some things, crying about a few others and feeling all types of ways.  In that moment God allowed me to see my life in what looked like a video jigsaw puzzle.  Each piece was playing a different video.  I knew what God was saying to me in those moments and I took it an and finished my prayer.  I think about it today and realize that there are still so many pieces floating into place. 

I thought about that vision and these beautiful works of art.  I thought about how they painter had to layer on the colors. the shadows, paint in the textures, the details... layer upon layer using different strokes and different techniques.  It looks like nothing and everything all at the same time while it's being painted but in the end its gorgeous.  I feel that way today.  I know that God has great things in store for me but right now I feel like a blob of paint on a naked wall.  Like a couple of lines here and there have been thrown in but I can't quite make out the lines.

And that's ok... I know it's ok because I know who's holding the brush or the can.  Even when things make absolutely no sense to me, when the picture is unclear, or I'm unsure how all the parts will work together.  I  know that He's creating a masterpiece and painting a magnificent story with my life. So it you're feeling like a splatter of pain on the wall remember that once all the blobs come together they create a much bigger more beautiful picture.  Sometimes you have to take a few steps back from the canvas to see the picture coming together.  The same applies with life... we get so busy living it that we don't take the time to step back and look at how far we've come, the things we've overcome, and just how much we've grown.

I am enjoying my journey and pray that you are as well.  Keep taking time to step back and admire God's handiwork.  It's the best way to encourage yourself!


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