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Bathed in His Promises

Yesterday I went to the beach for what was supposed to be a short meeting and an interview for an online show, So What's The Problem.  We ended up staying at the beach for almost 5 hours.  It was such an amazing blessing and was much needed.  Sometimes you never realize how much you need something until you have it.  We had our meeting, did the interviews, frolicked in the water and talked about a thousand things.  I am so thankful for my new Daytona Beach family away from home.

While they were out playing in  the water I took some time to walk and pray, like I usually do when I'm at the beach.  There's just something majestic about standing at the ocean.  You realize how small you really are in the scheme of God's vast creation, yet see the beauty in the fact that He knows the number of hairs on your head and bottles your tears.  It amazes me every time!  I am constantly in awe of God , his creativity, and love for us.

Yesterday as I finished my prayers I took the time to meditate on His word and give Him space to speak back.  Prayer is a conversation, not a shouting session.  So while I was meditating I stood at the shore and watched the gentleness of His hand that washed the shores.  Out further in the water the waves were crashing but there at the edge of the shore the water gently washed up on the sand.  I stood there for a long time just listening and watching as the water washed away any rough places, lumps, or unevenness in the sand.  All I could see was the bright bold blue of the sky reflected back in the sand and at the waters edge the colors of the rainbow shone back at me.  The picture didn't capture the rainbow in the water's edge but I knew that what I was seeing was no accident.

I looked again at the sky and the reflection on the shore and realized that God's kingdom was right where I was standing in that moment.  As I again looked down at the waves and the rainbow that was washing the shore God began to speak to my spirit.  He said no matter how rough it looks, no matter how many lumps, bumps, or rough patches come, my promises will always wash them away.  My promises over your life will never be swayed if you stay in my presence. Just as the waves cover the shore so shall I wash and cover you.

I had no idea I needed a beach day when I set out for the meeting, but I'm a sucker for the beach.  I really wasn't even prepared to go.  I didn't have a hat, sunscreen, or sunglasses.  But God!  The family He sent me here had everything I needed in the car when they came to pick me up.  That's a whole different shout right there!!  For somebody that feels alone, somebody that's been doing everything and bearing the load on their own.. God is sending you some help.  I declare and decree that your help is on the way.  God is sending people to pour into you, to strengthen your arms, to help you birth that baby you've been carrying for so long.  I pray that your eyes are open to see the move of God and I declare & decree that the tricks and traps of the enemy to delay, distract, and hinder you are utterly destroyed in the name of Jesus.

Be encouraged and take time to see and hear God in the simple things.  You never know how or when He'll speak!


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