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Where the Heart Is

Yesterday I spent a good part of the day in the library, working and writing.  I needed a quiet place that wasn't my house.  I finished up there and ran to the store to grab a couple of things I'd forgotten the previous day.  On the way out I had the opportunity to talk with a homeless man. He was sitting on the ground eating breakfast (by this time it was late afternoon) he'd gotten out of the dumpster at steak and shake.  He asked me if I had $.47 so he could get a drink. I gave him all the cash I had in my purse, it wasn't much but I was glad I had some cash to give. I stood and talked with him and offered him some of the snacks I had in my my hand  but he didn't want to take  anything away from me. I told him I didn't mind sharing and it would be my pleasure but he told me he was diabetic.  It touched me in such an incredible way that someone with nothing was worried about me not having enough.  I asked his name and if I could pray with him.  He said yes and stuck out his hand.  I grabbed his hand and began to pray.  His hands were dirty but soft and warm.  As I stood there holding his hand I couldn't help but be grateful for the opportunity and the fact that he trusted me, a complete stranger to pray on his behalf.  A thousand thoughts ran through my mind and again I was humbled and grateful for just how good God has been to me. 

As I ended the prayer Tommy looked up at me with big bright eyes and asked, "Who taught you that?"  I asked what he meant and he said, "To do that, to pray like that?"  I explained to him that it was just me talking to God and that it's what I've always done. He nodded his head in understanding and thanked me again for the prayer. I talked with him a little longer before I went to the store a couple of doors down.  I grabbed my items and kept thinking what more could I have done? What else did I have to give him?  As I rode past Tommy to leave the parking lot he looked up at me and smiled again.  I realized there are no easy answers but I had given him my most prized possession... The God in me.  He looked peaceful and content and he stretched out on the sidewalk to relax.  

Jesus said that the poor would be with us always but I choose to believe that being poor is all about perspective.  Tommy may not be financially wealthy but he's rich in heart, humility, faith, and compassion.
There are a lot of people asking for change, telling sob stories, asking for a helping hand , and just flat our begging here in the city of Daytona.  Sometimes you know it's someone running a scam and trying to con people out of money, but then you meet people like Tommy.  He reminds us all to be compassionate no matter what our lot, our position or status in life.  We never know when this may be one of us or one of our loved ones.  Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they deserve to be treated with any less dignity, respect, kindness, or shown any less love.  I will always remember the innocence in his eyes when he asked me who taught me to pray and from now on I'll try to keep a couple of dollars in my wallet just in case. 

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Unknown said…
I agree praying for them is the best thing we can give to homeless people that don't want to take food from us. He may have been diabetic or just wanted cash. I have been in the same situation working in downtown Houston where many homeless people roam the streets begging for cash. While working Professionals wait on their Bus to go home for the day many would wonder around waiting for someone to give into them. One day I watched an innocent young lady give a beggar her food only for him to walk right over the trash can and toss it. He then came back to us in line asking again which at that point I told him that young lady in front of me just gave you food and you put it in the trash! The other people standing behind me said that's because he/they want cash. That taught me a whole lot about people putting on a show just to solicit money. Dont get me wrong I do believe their are legitimate homeless people but now I know to lean on the Lord for direction in giving. I love telling about God as well. please visit my blog page as well.

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