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A Life Poured Out

Today the world lost a musical genius, an icon, an amazing entertainer, humanitarian, and extraordinary musician.  His gifts touched people spanning various generations, nationalities, racial groups, ethnicities, and age groups. There's a lot of folks who got capes slapped on their backs today and became SUPER SAVED at the thought of the "saints" mourning the loss of Prince.  I have a few things to say about that.. 1.  He was a person that touched, inspired, and reached more than most preachers ever will in a lifetime.  2.  It's sad when anybody dies because there's loss there..He was someone's family.. without the titles and accolades, he was still a son, a cousin, a husband, and worthy of being mourned; and 3.  Most importantly, He's a soul that will have an eternal resting place just like the Super Saints... no different than you or I in those areas. So leave people alone and let them mourn... Any great music lover, saved or unsaved felt that loss today... Period, point blank.

The reason I even brought up Prince in this blog is what I was reminded of reading all of the tributes, the RIP's, the favorite Prince song posts, videos, pictures, and stories. This month I've been doing a series on Periscope called Me, Myself, and I.  The focus is self discovery and really getting to know yourself.  The first week I asked 5 really tough questions that I answered during the 40 Day Soul Fast...

  1. Who am I outside of the roles I play?
  2. What is my purpose?
  3. What have I accomplished with my life so far?
  4. Is it enough?
  5. When I die, how will others know that I've lived?
That last question is what kept ringing over and over in my spirit today as I thought about Prince's death and my own life.  I gained a whole new level of admiration and respect for Prince because he accomplished what I hope to do... Live a life poured out.  When you look back over the years and through his catalog of music you see his gifts poured out on the pages, in the lyrics, in the chords, through the instruments and on the stage.  There's been several interviews where he discussed how he was constantly recording and we've only heard a snippet of everything he's ever made... He was pouring himself out.  This post isn't for the super bottom of the ocean deep, it's simple.

God gave each of us a unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, and a sphere of influence to do everything He's purposed us to do.  For some, that's behind a pulpit or in a classroom.  For others it's in the courtroom, a nurse's station, behind a keyboard, telling jokes, cooking and feeding the hungry.  For Prince and so many others like him, it was to inspire and move others through music.  To help us express emotions when we couldn't find the right words or were too afraid to speak them on our own.  

Our job is to find our lane and flow in it.  If I'm constantly aware of where I am with the other questions I won't have to worry about number 5 because my life will speak for me when I'm gone.  When I know my purpose it affects my decisions, which opportunities I choose to take or refuse, which people I allow into my life and how close.  The kicker is dealing with accomplishments.

This is where things get tricky because the enemy likes to have us play the comparison game.  Just because you haven't done what Sally has, doesn't mean your accomplishments don't mean anything or aren't worthy of being celebrated.  I used to think I hadn't accomplished much until I looked at all I had to overcome to accomplish the things I'd done. When you're in your lane, running your race, you don't have time to worry about what the person two lanes over is doing.  You're your own competition!  Nobody can beat you at being you, so run with grace and humility, that's what creates endurance. 

I hope that when it's my time to go I have poured out everything God gave me, for His glory and the benefit and betterment of others.  At the end of the day, that's what matters

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