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Stirred, Not Shaken

Last week was a crazy week for me.  It was productive and full of things to do , but also very emotional.  I've been applying for jobs, creating content for my store, visiting churches, trying to carve out my spot here in Daytona and do what God has for me to do.  I know that sounds like the normal things you do when you move but for someone who's used to going and doing, this idle time is killer.  Before I came I went to visit my hometown and the pastor there prophesied to me several times about this journey that God is taking me on.  He told me that what I've asked is a hard thing and because of it, I'm being tried but that God would fulfill His promises and nothing would fall to the ground. This is one reason I always carry a spiral notebook in church.  Anytime I receive a word of prophecy, word of wisdom or knowledge I like to be able to go back and review it, pray about it (especially the details), remind myself of God's confirmation, and encourage myself by looking forward to what's ahead. Sometimes, even that isn't enough to pull you out of a funk and last week I had a few of those days.

On Wednesday I called a former co-worker and another one answered the phone.  before she transferred my call she spoke some amazing words of encouragement to me.  She had no idea how much I needed to hear it in that moment.  She told me that what I was doing made a difference, to keep going and that it mattered more than I knew.  She told me how she appreciated that God had let me stay at that position just for her and for the things I had deposited into her life and how much she had grown spiritually since meeting and interacting with me. I was in tears by the time she transferred the call.  It's so humbling to know that even the smallest gestures and seeds spring up and bear fruit in ways you could never imagine.  Just when I was feeling like nothing I was doing made a difference or mattered, God sent an unexpected but oh so timely reminder that it did.

After I finished my call  I sent out my weekly women's message and the response I received was overwhelming. God knew exactly what I needed because helping others always helps me feel better.  I got tons of responses from other ladies that needed to hear the words I sent out because of their own trials and struggles.  Each one saying thank you, I needed this word today, It really blessed me, or God bless you.  I had never really thought about it, but one of my beautiful sisters responded and said that God is raising up and army of women like me that have a heart for encouragement.  I realized then that this is what I'm here for.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Romans 10:24 NLT

This verse is why I became a social worker, why I blog, why I make bookmarks, why I send out texts every week, and one of the many reasons I try to keep a positive attitude.  A little bit of encouragement goes a long way.  It's not always words, sometimes it your presence and you physically showing up to support someone.  Other times it's as simple as letting someone know hey, I heard what you said, thanks.  Encouragement comes in many forms and through diverse avenues, but whatever method or avenue you choose... do it!  If a tiny mustard seed that's a couple of millimeters can grow to be up to 9 feet tall, imagine how much bigger a few seeds of encouragement can grow to become!  To each of you that is spreading love and light in the dark places I say thank you!  If you need a cheerleader, call me, email me, I'm rooting for you and declaring your success!

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