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Coming Home....

Most of us have probably heard the story of the prodigal son, some of us have probably been that son. For those of you who may not have heard it let me share it with you.. I'll paraphrase & summarize but you can find the story in Luke 15:11-32.

There's a father with two sons, the younger son asks the father for his part of the inheritance (which he wasn't entitled to until after the father died).  The father gives him his share and he gathers up everything he has and goes off to a foreign land. He foolishly spends everything he has on wild living.  In other words he said #turnup! and went ham. Well after he'd wasted everything, there was a famine in the land and there he was with nothing.  So he goes and hooks up with some locals and take a job feeding the pigs.  Well this might not seem like a big deal but he was Jewish, so he shouldn't have been anywhere near the pigs let alone feeding them and down in the mudhole slinging slop.  He was so hungry that he thought about eating the slop. Then he came to his senses and said wait a minute... How many of my daddy's servants have food and here I am starving?  I'm going home to my daddy's house.. I know I messed up and can't be his son anymore so let me ask him to be a servant.
So the boy returns home and before he can even get to the house good, his daddy runs out to greet him with a hug and a kiss.  All the while, the son is trying to explain how he'd sinned and done so much wrong.. but he puts a fine robe on him, gives him some shoes,  put a ring on it and cooks up the fatted calf and THROWS A PARTY.. that's right.. so you know the other brother was mad  lol Talkin bout.. you never gave me a fatted calf, I did everything like i was supposed to, I stayed here, I'm the good one...and the daddy tells him ain't nobody got time for that! you're always with me.. your brother was dead and gone now he's back and alive you should be celebrating!
I said all that to say this.. at times we may find ourselves in the place of the prodigal son, in the physical sense or the spiritual sense.  I was there in the spiritual sense... I felt like I was in a far off land doing someone else's work and agenda and not what God had told me to do.  I thought about all of the time spent on things/projects that I probably should have waited on, or not done at all.  For a minute I was upset and frustrated then I remembered ...hey I can always go back to my daddy and get it together.  I must say it feels good to get back to the me He intended.. I've been working on the things He's giving me and I'm sooo excited about the things to come. I'm pregnant with something great!!

It took a while for me to start to feel like my old self again, but ya girl is baaaaacck!! Sometimes when we stray it's not necessarily because we're not in sin, we just took a detour form the path God has designed for us.  However far off the path you've strayed or stumbled, you can always come back home... The Father is waiting with open arms.....


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