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Called Out....

I had an ah ha moment yesterday while I was out taking one of my clients to get her monthly commodities.  The line is always super long so I usually let her out at the door and find a parking space.  As I was letting my client out of the car someone knocked on my window.  To my surprise, I turned to see my cousin Joe standing there with a huge smile on his face.  He calls me Dah Ha (don't ask me why, but he has since I was little).  So I roll down the window and he's asking me about getting my Master's Degree, work, ministry and a bunch of other stuff.  He says "well Dr. Dah Ha you're just everything aren't you?  Getting my masters.. oh no that wasn't hard, it was just a test... That's that genius stuff" I just laughed and went to park the car.  When I cam back I sat on the steps of the church waiting for my client and my cousin came back to talk to me some more.

This time he was asking me about the details of what I'm working on, what I'm doing now and where I'm headed.  As I began to share some of the things with him I thought about the words he'd spoken earlier... "well you're just everything aren't you" and said well ya know.. I kinda am. Not in a too my own horn kind of way but a wow.. look at what you've been blessed to accomplish and become.  So I concluded my conversation with my cousin and he told me how proud of me he was and that if I ever needed anything or there was a way for him to help or contribute to let him know.

I sat on the steps a little longer thinking about our conversation and realized that sometimes we get so caught up in the doing and the going and the process of living that we forget to take time to really realize who we are and to celebrate it.  I thought about how David must have felt when Samuel came to anoint him the next king (1 Samuel 16:1-13).  There David was out in the pasture tending his sheep, probably singing and minding his own business.  Then he gets called to the house and walks into an unknown situation.  Some man is here with this horn and all his brothers are lined up... what's going on??  So then the man holds this horn over his head and it comes running out and then it's like oh yea by the way you're the next king. What did David do??  He went right back to work!

Sometimes it takes someone else to point out the greatness in us before we can truly see it.   Let me say that again... sometimes it takes another person to realize and point out all of the things that make us great before we acknowledge them ourselves.  David wasn't thinking about being  king, but he already was, and even in the midst of his caring for the sheep... God was teaching him how to be a King, how to be a great leader, and how to be accountable for the lives of others.   You may be a king or queen in the pasture right now but don't worry... your palace time is coming!!

After this we see David found favor with Saul, while doing his father's business, and was moved into the palace to do something else he'd always done... play the harp and make music. The difference was he'd stepped into a destiny moment.  Even when the enemy tried to take him out, he was covered because he was on assignment!  But that's a different story for a different post...

Take the time today to remind somebody else of the great things you notice about them... Where  you see God taking them to... If you don't have anything positive to say... be quiet and pray about it until you do!!  When others speak positive things into your life, take time to absorb it, meditate on it and receive it!


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